Dr. Leonardo Moraes

Postdoctoral scholar

A Response Matrix Method for Slab-Geometry Discrete Ordinates Adjoint Calculations in Energy-Dependent Neutral Particle Transport

Journal article

Leonardo R. da C. Moraes, Ralph S. Mansur, Carlos A. Moura, Jesus P. Curbelo, Hermes Alves Filho, Ricardo C. Barros
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport, vol. 50, Taylor {\&} Francis, 2021 Apr, pp. 159--179



APA   Click to copy
Moraes, L. R. da C., Mansur, R. S., Moura, C. A., Curbelo, J. P., Filho, H. A., & Barros, R. C. (2021). A Response Matrix Method for Slab-Geometry Discrete Ordinates Adjoint Calculations in Energy-Dependent Neutral Particle Transport. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport, 50, 159–179. https://doi.org/10.1080/23324309.2021.1914661

Chicago/Turabian   Click to copy
Moraes, Leonardo R. da C., Ralph S. Mansur, Carlos A. Moura, Jesus P. Curbelo, Hermes Alves Filho, and Ricardo C. Barros. “A Response Matrix Method for Slab-Geometry Discrete Ordinates Adjoint Calculations in Energy-Dependent Neutral Particle Transport.” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 50 (April 2021): 159–179.

MLA   Click to copy
Moraes, Leonardo R. da C., et al. “A Response Matrix Method for Slab-Geometry Discrete Ordinates Adjoint Calculations in Energy-Dependent Neutral Particle Transport.” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport, vol. 50, Taylor {\&} Francis, Apr. 2021, pp. 159–79, doi:10.1080/23324309.2021.1914661.

BibTeX   Click to copy

  title = {A Response Matrix Method for Slab-Geometry Discrete Ordinates Adjoint Calculations in Energy-Dependent Neutral Particle Transport},
  year = {2021},
  month = apr,
  journal = {Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport},
  pages = {159--179},
  publisher = {Taylor {\&} Francis},
  volume = {50},
  doi = {10.1080/23324309.2021.1914661},
  author = {Moraes, Leonardo R. da C. and Mansur, Ralph S. and Moura, Carlos A. and Curbelo, Jesus P. and Filho, Hermes Alves and Barros, Ricardo C.},
  month_numeric = {4}

Presented here is an application of the Response Matrix (RM†) method for adjoint discrete ordinates (SNN) problems in slab-geometry applied to energy-dependent neutral particle transport problems. The RM† method is free from spatial truncation errors, as it generates numerical results for the adjoint angular fluxes in multilayer slabs that agree with the numerical values obtained from the analytical solution of the energy multigroup adjoint SNN equations. The main contribution of this work is to analyze the application of the RM† method to problems where it is required to solve the energy multigroup adjoint SNN equations multiple times. This is the case of two classes of problems that can be taken care of through the adjoint technique: (i) source-detector problems; and (ii) the estimation of interior neutron source distributions that drive a subcritical system at a prescribed power density level. The efficiency (speed and accuracy) of the RM† code is compared to the conventional Diamond Difference code.


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